Contact Information

Featherstone Winery 905-562-1949

Sue-Ann Staff Winery 1-877-566-1719

Westcott Vineyards 905-562-7517

Speak! to us

11 + 5 =

The Bruce Trail at Featherstone Winery will be marked with signs.

Please stay on the path and keep your dog on its lead at all times. Please do not consume any alcoholic beverages while on the trail.

Sue-Ann Staff Winery and Westcott Vineyards are across the road from each other and a scenic walk through the vineyards connects them. Please exercise caution when crossing the road.

Please remember these are trails and appropriate footwear should be worn. High heels will be regretted! 

The trails are not suitable for baby strollers or for those with mobility issues.